Moms: This is your permission slip to visit Disney or Universal ALONE. You don't have to tell your kids where you went! Imagine, a weekend where you can ride any ride you want, eat whatever and wherever you want without sharing, sleep as late as you want (or rope drop without waiting for anyone else). I am a huge fan of the Mom Retreat. My recommendation for Universal Orlando? Stay at a fun resort like Hard Rock at Universal, splurge on Rock Royalty Club Level Future Rock Star suite (maybe you'll get the Taylor Swift room!), borrow a turn table and records or a Rock Om yoga kit for your room. Plus, at Universal Resorts, you're allowed to pool hop!
Last February was my first solo trip to Universal without any classroom training obligations. The main reason was this: my junior travel agent (Lilly), will not ride ANYTHING at Universal besides the Hogwarts Express. She loves Universal, and just likes to vibe there. She likes shopping at the Hello Kitty store and the comics shop on Superhero Island, she likes the parades, and seeing characters, and most of all, playing with her interactive wand at Wizarding World of Harry Potter. She also loves the new DreamWorks Land, which I'll talk about in a future recap. And that's ok! Most of the time that's what we do. But there were many rides and shows I had never experienced, so it was time for a solo trip.
I had a BLAST! What surprised me the most was that I had so much fun with the SHOWS! Riding rides was fine, but I hadn't realized just how much street entertainment I had been missing. (My travel buddy also hates anything loud.) Universal Studios is especially great for this. I was able to watch the Blues Brothers, ¡Vamos! – Báilalo (LOVED this one), and Beat Builders, King Julien, as well as some of the live entertainment in Wizarding World of Harry Potter.
Unfortunately, I STILL did not get a chance to see the Horror Makeup Show, because it was having technical difficulties, but I did get to watch The Bourne Stuntacular. I'm not a fan of the Jason Bourne movies, but this show is so cool! Such a mind-bending combination of live action stunts and an absolutely massive LED screen. I've never seen anything like it, and that kind of technology is really where Universal excels. They also make use of the giant LED screens in the new Villian-Con Minions Blast, which is one of the most hilarious and fun rides I've ever experienced. I rode it twice! They also use these screens in Kong: Skull Island, which is how they switched that ride away from 3D, which I appreciate.
The final new-to-me experience was Universal Mardi Gras! In St Louis, where I'm from, Mardi Gras is usually a freezing cold bacchanalia, and at this stage of my life I'm just not into public drunkenness and the mess that comes with it. But UNIVERSAL Mardi Gras is pleasant weather, great food, clean indoor bathrooms, and an amazing ride-on float experience that anyone can sign up for! You can even get a Float & Dine package, and everyone (including kids!) gets to throw beads from a float. I watched from the sidelines last year, but I am hoping to work in a quick Mardi Gras trip this year (and also check out the new Stella Nova resort, which opens this week)!